Patricia A. Merlo, M.P.M.

Queen of Peace Catholic Community - Parish Mission

March 13-15, 2023


Julian of Norwich, a mystic for the 21st Century

While mystics are found in all faith traditions, the writings of Julian of Norwich seem particularly
well-suited to the upheavals and anxieties that characterize our own “new normal”. 

Her words offer hope amid the pain and divisions that pierce our lives and times.

Let her visions reshape your understanding of God’s promise that, even in the darkest moments,
“All shall be well”

          March 13th and 14th:
           6:00 pm Mass
           6:30 pm Refreshments
           7:00 pm - 8:15 pm Presentation

          March 15th:
           6:00 pm Refreshments
           No 6:00 pm Mass
           6:30 pm Final Presentation,
           7:00 pm Mass with Healing Service

This event is free and open to all. Reservations are NOT required.

To learn more about Julian of Norwich, click here or scan this code: Julian-qr-code-small


©2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Patty Merlo