Patricia A. Merlo, M.P.M.

A Way to Pray (and not simply read) the Book of Genesis

Just as the four Gospels form our image of Jesus, the familiar stories of the Book of Genesis influence our image of God the Father. Most of us, however, are unaware of the powerful effect these images of the “God of the Old Testament” can have on us when we pray.

This workshop begins with a presentation of the four distinct Images of God that emerge from the Books of Genesis and Deuteronomy. We will look at the reports from the earliest witnesses to God’s interactions with humankind, and discover how their experiences are reflected in the Images of God they convey.

Next, there will be an opportunity for personal reflection, to uncover your own Image(s) of God, and to open your heart to the Divine Mystery. Learn how your early experiences and what you learned about God as a child still influence your vision of God and your relationship with Him today.

Finally, we will use an ancient method of praying a passage from Genesis (rather than simply reading or studying it).  This form of prayer, called Lectio Divina, or “Sacred Reading”, engages the whole person: mind, spirit, and heart. It is a way to savor the Word of God, by coming to a state of simply being, or resting, in God’s Presence, and to discover where God is present and acting in your life today.

    Topics and Typical Agenda:

   9:30 – 9:40

Welcome and Introductory remarks

9:40 – 10:10

Who wrote the Book of Genesis?
Introduces the four sources of Genesis, including when, where, why and by whom Genesis was written.

10:10 – 10:40

Who is God?
Describes four distinct experiences and Images of the “God of the Old Testament” as revealed by the first “witnesses” to God’s interactions with humankind.

10:40 – 10:50


10:50 – 11:10

Who is my God
Provides an opportunity to uncover your images of God and to open your heart to the mystery of God.

11:10 – 11:30

What is God saying to me? What is my response?
Introduces and coaches attendees on the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. Praying the sacred scriptures allows God’s Word to resonate within us and deepen our relationship with God.

11:30 – 11:45

Questions and Answers, Discussion and Wrap-Up.

For further information or to schedule a workshop contact:

Patty Merlo


(Page updated 12/20/2013)

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